Selasa, 23 Juni 2015

My Article 3

Nama         : MARLIN ARI ASTUTI
Npm           : 14611316
Kelas          : 4SA01


            At two years ago, precisely in 2013, I went to visit Borobudur Temple, which is located in Magelang, Central Java.

            When entering of the temple area, I am spoiled with beauty ornate relief panels and there are many Buddhist statuette, other than that there is a very beautiful natural scenery around the temple that can be seen from the top of the temple.

            The temple area is not only there the Borobudur temple, but there are few places that can be visited, such as: Museum of Borobudur, inside the museum I can see the statue of Buddha sized about 68 inches, there is also the currency of Indonesia from 1945 until now, and in this museum me and other visitors can see the screening of tragedy eruption of Mount Merapi in 2010, and is no less surprising I can meet with the world's shortest man whose height is only 60 cm. There is also a museum Karmawibhangga, there we can learn to make pottery and also learn to make batik.

            For the price of the entry ticket itself is very affordable for the visitors, namely: every visitor will be charged Rp. 30.000, - / person, while for a small child or a student charged Rp. 12.500, - / person.

Rabu, 17 Juni 2015

My Article 2

Npm  : 14611316
Kelas : 4SA01


Fitri  : Hello..

Elin  : Hello..

Fitri  : How are you today ?

Elin  : I’m fine, and you ?

Fitri  : i’m fine thanks, what are you doing ?

Elin  : I’m reading a novel

Fitri  : What novel ?

Elin  : Surat Kecil Untuk Tuhan

Fitri  : What that novel tell’s about ?

Elin  : That novel tell about a woman’s struggle against of
             Malignant Cancer

Fitri  : It seems interesting

Elin  : Of course.!
            I’ve read so many times...

Fitri  : Are you sure ?

Elin  : Yeah.. what novels do you read ?

Fitri  : Teen Romance

Elin  : Waw... Same with you..!
            I like that novel too..

Fitri  : Ohh,, yeah???

Elin  : Yeah...
  Hmm...  Can i borrow your novel ?

Fitri  : Sure, why not..

Elin  : When I can borrow your novel ?

Fitri  : You can borrow it tonight.  And may I borrow your novel

Elin  : Yes,  what about we exchanged the novel ?

Fitri  : That’s good idea..

Elin  : Okay,, see you tonight

Fitri  : See you too..

My Article 1

Npm  : 14611316
Kelas : 4SA01

“Description About My Family From My Mother”

My Grandparents’name is Suhartoyo and Sartini. Now, my grandfather 75 years old and my grandmother 70 years old. My grandparents have four children, there are Sri, Anto, Tri, and Indah. The first children from my grandparents have three children, there are Yoga, Putri and Weldan. The second children from my grandparents didn’t have any child. The third children from my grandparents have two children, there are Me and My sister Shella. And the the last children from my grandparents have two children, there are Arin and Rayhan.

So, my grandparents have seven grandchildren. The first is Yoga, the second is Putri, the third is Me, the fourth is Arin, the fifth is Weldan, the sixth is My sister Shella, an the last is Rayhan.

Penerjemahan Berbantuan Komputer (Tugas 4)



NPM    : 14611316
Kelas    : 4SA01

1. Papers

Information Technology and Boundary of the Firm: Evidence from Plant-Level Data

by Chris Forman and Kristina McElheran

            It has long been believed that information technology (IT) has the potential to shift the boundaries surrounding where production takes place. Specifically, networked IT investments are supposed to reduce costs of monitoring behavior of internal and external partners, thereby improving incentives and reducing the risk of opportunistic behavior. Networked IT can also reduce costs of coordinating economic activity within and between firms. This study, by Chris Forman and Kristina McElheran, explores how IT investments influence vertical integration in supply chain relationships. Key concepts include:
  • The adoption of supplier-focused IT has an economically and statistically significant negative impact on the percentage of downstream within-firm transfers.
  • Somewhat surprisingly, adoption of customer-focused IT has no significant effect on the percentage of downstream transfers.
  • Adoption of supplier-focused IT has the largest impact on within-firm transfers when adopted in conjunction with customer-focused IT.

2. Google Translate

Teknologi Informasi dan Batas Firm: Bukti dari Tanaman Tingkat data
oleh Chris Forman dan Kristina McElheran

            Telah lama diyakini bahwa teknologi informasi (TI) memiliki potensi untuk menggeser batas sekitarnya di mana produksi berlangsung. Secara khusus, investasi TI jaringan yang seharusnya untuk mengurangi biaya dari perilaku mitra internal dan eksternal monitoring, sehingga meningkatkan insentif dan mengurangi risiko perilaku oportunistik. Jaringan TI juga dapat mengurangi biaya koordinasi kegiatan ekonomi di dalam dan di antara perusahaan. Penelitian ini, oleh Chris Forman dan Kristina McElheran, mengeksplorasi bagaimana investasi TI mempengaruhi integrasi vertikal dalam hubungan rantai pasokan. Konsep kunci meliputi:
Ÿ  Penerapan pemasok yang berfokus TI memiliki dampak negatif secara ekonomi dan signifikan secara statistik pada persentase hilir dalam-perusahaan transfer.
Ÿ  Agak mengejutkan, adopsi berfokus pada pelanggan IT tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap persentase transfer hilir.
Ÿ  Adopsi pemasok yang berfokus TI telah dampak terbesar pada jarak-perusahaan transfer ketika diadopsi dalam hubungannya dengan berfokus pada pelanggan IT.

3. My Translation

Teknologi Informasi dan Batas Perusahaan : Bukti dari tingkat  data pabrik
oleh Chris Forman dan Kristina McElheran

            Telah lama diyakini bahwa teknologi informasi (TI) memiliki potensi untuk menggeser batas sekitarnya di mana produksi berlangsung. Khususnya,  investasi jaringan IT yang seharusnya mengurangi biaya perilaku pemantauan mitra internal dan eksternal, sehingga meningkatkan insentif dan mengurangi resiko perilaku oportunistik. Jaringan IT juga dapat mengurangi biaya kordinasi kegiatan ekonomi di dalam dan di antara perusahaan. Penelitian ini, oleh Chris Forman dan Kristina McElheran, mengeksplorasi bagaimana investasi TI mempengaruhi integrasi vertikal dalam hubungan rantai pasokan. Konsep kunci meliputi:
Ÿ  Penerapan pemasok terfokus pada TI yang memiliki dampak negatif secara ekonomi dan dampak negatif secara statistik penting pada presentase hilir dalam transfer perusahaan.
Ÿ  Agak mengejutkan, penerapan pelanggan terfokus pada TI yang tidak berpengaruh penting terhadap presentase transfer hilir.
Ÿ  Penerapan pemasok terfokus pada TI telah memiliki dampak terbesar dalam transfer perusahaan ketika penerapan di konjungsi dengan terfokus pada pelanggan TI.