TUGAS 1 : Mencari Artikel Mengenai Kebudayaan
Nama :
NPM : 14611316
Kelas : 4SA01
NPM : 14611316
Kelas : 4SA01
1. Artikel
Kreasi Batik dalam Solo Batik Carnival
Solo sudah dikenal sebagai salah satu daerah
penghasil batik terbesar di Indonesia. Tradisi pembuatan batik masyarakat kota
ini berlangsung sejak berabad-abad yang lalu. Berbagai motif pun dihasilkan dan
dikembangkan oleh para perajin batik di sini. Beberapa sentra batik pun tumbuh
di kota ini. Sejak tahun 2008, tradisi batik semakin terasa di kota ini. Pada
tahun tersebut, untuk pertama kalinya juga diadakan pagelaran akbar Solo Batik
Solo Batik Carnival merupakan parade kebudayaan terutama busana yang terbuat atau menggunakan unsur batik di jalan. Parade ini diadakan di jalan utama Kota Solo, seperti salah satunya di Jalan Slamet Riyadi.
Solo Batik Carnival merupakan parade kebudayaan terutama busana yang terbuat atau menggunakan unsur batik di jalan. Parade ini diadakan di jalan utama Kota Solo, seperti salah satunya di Jalan Slamet Riyadi.
Parade ini akan dimulai di perempatan Purwosari
dan berakhir di Balaikota Solo. Masyarakat dapat menikmati parade ini secara
gratis. Para pengunjung memadati sisi Jalan Slamet Riyadi, menikmati keindahan
kreasi busana yang ditampilkan para peserta parade.
tahun 2013, Solo Batik Carnival mengambil tema Memayu Hayuning Bawono. Tema
ini meliputi empat subtema, yaitu air, udara, api, dan tanah atau bumi.
Tema-tema ini menjadi dasar setiap rancangan busana yang ditampilkan oleh para
peserta di gelaran yang diadakan setiap tahun ini.
Solo Batik Carnival 2013 yang diselenggarakan
pada 29 Juni 2013 lalu diikuti oleh 141 peserta. Dari seluruh peserta tersebut,
tidak semua berasal dari Kota Solo. Ada tujuh peserta yang berasal dari Kota
Acara yang dimulai pada jam 13.00 WIB ini pun
membuat Kota Solo terlihat semarak, terutama di sepanjang ruas Jalan Slamet
Riyadi. Masyarakat yang berbaur dengan wisatawan memenuhi sisi-sisi jalan utama
kota ini. Sementara, para peserta parade berjalan lenggak-lenggok memamerkan
busana kreasi masing-masing. Batik yang bagi sebagian orang dianggap kaku dan
ketinggalan zaman pun pada saat itu terlihat modern, penuh warna, dan terlihat
sangat menarik.[Agung/IndonesiaKaya]
Source :
2. Hasil Terjemahan menggunakan Google Translate
Creative Batik in Solo Batik Carnival
Solo has been known as one of the
biggest batik in Indonesia. The tradition of batik making people of this city
took place centuries ago. Various motifs were produced and developed by the
batik artisans here. Some batik centers grew in this city. Since 2008, the
tradition of batik increasingly felt in this city. In that year, for the first
time also held a grand performance Solo Batik Carnival.
Solo Batik Carnival is a cultural
parade, especially clothing made or use batik element on the road. This parade
was held in the main street of Solo, such as the one at Jalan Slamet Riyadi.
The parade will begin at the
intersection Purwosari and ends at City Hall Solo. People can enjoy the parade
for free. The visitors thronged Jalan Slamet Riyadi side, enjoying the beauty
of fashion creations shown parade participants.
For 2013, the Solo Batik Carnival
took Hayuning Bawono Memayu theme. This theme includes four sub-themes, namely
water, air, fire, and ground or earth. These themes form the basis of each
design fashion displayed by the participants at the event which is held every
Solo Batik Carnival 2013 held on
June 29, 2013 and attended by 141 participants. From all the participants, not
all come from the city of Solo. There were seven participants from Balikpapan.
The event starts at 13:00 pm This
also makes the city of Solo looks lively, especially along Jalan Slamet Riyadi.
People who mingle with the tourists meet the sides of the main street of this
city. Meanwhile, the parade participants walk catwalk fashion showcase
creations respectively. Batik is for some people considered rigid and outdated
even when it looks modern, colorful, and looks very attractive.
Hasil Terjemahan Sendiri
Batik Creation Parade in Solo Batik
Solo has been known as one of place
which making the biggest Batik in Indonesia. The tradition of process making
batik’s people in this city has been there the countries ago. Various motif
produced and developed by artisans batik in here. Some of batik centers
developed in this city. Since 2008 years, the tradition of batik more develope
in this city. In that year, for the first time was held the great performances
Solo Batik Carnival.
Solo Batik Carnival was culture
parade, especially clothing that made or using batik element on the road.
Parade was held the main street of Solo, such as one of them at Slamet Riyadi street.
The parade would begin at
intersection Purwosari and the end at City Hall Solo. The people could enjoyed this
parade with free. The visitors fulled Slamet Riyadi site street, they enjoyed art
fashion design which shown in front of the visitors parade.
For 2013 years, Solo Batik Carnival took
the theme of Memayu Hayuning Bawono. This theme included four of sub-theme,
that were water fire ground or earth. These themes became a basic for every
fashoin design which shown by every participants at the event that held every
this years.
The Solo Batik Carnival 2013 which
held on 29 june 2013 were followed by 141 participants from all of that
participants, not all come from Solo. There were seven participants came from
The event started at 13:00 pm making
the city of Solo looks shine, especially along Slamet Riyadi Street. The people
who mingle with the tourist fulled the side of main street city. Meanwhile, The
participants of parade were walking catwalk to show fashion design from every
participants. Batik for some people considered rigid and outdated even when it
looks modern, colourfull and looks very attractive.