Kamis, 08 Januari 2015

Tulisan Hasil Karya Sendiri 2

Npm          : 14611316
Kelas         : 4SA01
Subject    : Bahasa Inggris Berbantuan Komputer


Life is cruel
By: Marlin Ari Astuti

Alone ...
I sat quietly lonely without anyone ..
pensive of lament the fact of life..
Why is life so cruel?

Slowly the world is like to kill me ..
poverty, humiliation, and suffering that often I feel ..
why do they always insult the poor like me?
why are they so cruel?

However, I tried to get up ..
rose up against the cruel life is ..
I will strive to advance ..
I will strive to be successful ..
And I will buy their mouths were who like insulting..

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