Selasa, 13 Januari 2015

Tulisan Hasil Karya Sendiri 5

Npm          : 14611316
Kelas         : 4SA01
Subject    : Bahasa Inggris Berbantuan Komputer


"Shrimp of Oyster Sauce" 

By: Marlin Ari Astuti

1. 250 grams of shrimp
2. 3 cloves of garlic
3. soy sauce
4. oyster sauce
5. turmeric
6. salt
7. sugar

softened seasoning:
turmeric to taste, 1 clove of garlic, and salt to taste

how to cook:
Clean the prawns, soaked with herbs that have been crushed, let stand for 15 minutes.
then heat the oil and saute the garlic that has been in slices until fragrant, add the shrimp and cook until it changes color, then add 1 tablespoon oyster sauce, 3 tablespoons soy sauce, salt, sugar to taste, and cook until done.

Tulisan Hasil Karya Sendiri 4

Npm          : 14611316
Kelas         : 4SA01
Subject    : Bahasa Inggris Berbantuan Komputer

Long Distance Relationship

By: Marlin Ari Astuti

Not easy to establish a relationship and make a commitment. especially if long distance relationships. like our relationship is. now, i live in Indonesia, while he lived in egypt. we've known each other a long time, even the introduction we already almost 4 years. we have a dreams to live together forever (married), but maybe it is difficult to materialize. however, no one knows our destiny, maybe someday we can meet and to unite forever. we always look forward to that.

Tulisan Hasil Karya Sendiri 3

Npm          : 14611316
Kelas         : 4SA01
Subject    : Bahasa Inggris Berbantuan Komputer

Become Hair Stylist is so hard

By: Marlin Ari Astuti

The seventh semester, I and my friends will make a drama show on campus. My group was getting a theme of japanese drama. In this performance of my duty as a hair stylist. This is not easy for me to do it, and this is my first experience as a hair stylist. but I will not give up and keep trying to maximally.

Kamis, 08 Januari 2015

Tulisan Hasil Karya Sendiri 2

Npm          : 14611316
Kelas         : 4SA01
Subject    : Bahasa Inggris Berbantuan Komputer


Life is cruel
By: Marlin Ari Astuti

Alone ...
I sat quietly lonely without anyone ..
pensive of lament the fact of life..
Why is life so cruel?

Slowly the world is like to kill me ..
poverty, humiliation, and suffering that often I feel ..
why do they always insult the poor like me?
why are they so cruel?

However, I tried to get up ..
rose up against the cruel life is ..
I will strive to advance ..
I will strive to be successful ..
And I will buy their mouths were who like insulting..

Tulisan hasil karya sendiri 1

Npm          : 14611316
Kelas         : 4SA01
Subject    : Bahasa Inggris Berbantuan Komputer 

Short Story

An Brush
By : Marlin Ari Astuti

I usually be sold in make up store, many women which always looking for me for used make up face and cheeks. I felt saturated for too long displayed in this stores without no one bought me and using me. But someday there is a women with beautiful face and long hair went to the store where I sold. The women named is Barbara, she is a beautiful models. In this store she bought some makeup and also she bought me (brush). I’m very happy when there are people who eventually bought me from this store. So, now I didn’t only displayed alone, but I could have activity with makeup and this lovely lady's cheek.
After Barbara bought me, she was immediately using me for make up her face while speaking in front of a mirror “This blush very nice and soft once when used in my cheek”. Barbara said.
I’m very happy when hear Barbara Said like that. Because Barbara really likes me, she made ​​me a very valuable thing for her. Wherever she had gone, I always carried in her mini bag. Barbara felt after make up her face with me, she felt more and more beautiful.

Barbara also told her fellow models is Claudia, if I ‘m very soft once used. After Barbara told to her friend, Claudia was keen for me to try and borrow it from Barbara, because Barbara has a very kind-hearted nature, she lent me to her friend.
When Claudia wants to shoot up her face with tried using me. After she using me for make up her face, Claudia said the same to Barbara, that i was so comfortable and soft when used and the results look more beautiful make up.
Claudia wanted to borrow me again from Barbara for the next few days, but because Barbara couldn’t separated from me, she didn’t lend me. Because shooting is over and the day was already very late at night, finally Barbara said goodbye to Claudia for go home.
The next day when their want to shoot back, they put makeup on her face in make-up room and don’t forget to using me. As usual Claudia wants to borrow me again from Barbara. when will be doing a photo shoot, Barbara got the first turned to be photographed. After shooting Barbara back to the make-up room, She was looking for in her mini bag to make up her face again. 

But when Barbara looked into her mini bag she didn’t found me, she was looking at the dressing table, but I was not there as well. Barbara looked very panicky when I disappeared from her mini bag. She the asked to Claudia about her brush missing, but Claudia didn’t know where I was. She also asked to her friends other, but their didn’t know me.
Barbara looked very sad when I lose, until she didn’t want to using make up without me. Already three days I dissapeared and not with Barbara. I also felt very sad and missed by Barbara, I want to be beside her again and used to make up a very pretty face.

“I'm bored at all because it has been three days I parted with barbara. I’m so missed her, I also missed softness. By Claudia I was treated rudely, she doesn’t take care of me with a vengeance as was done by barbara. I was very miserable when continuously with Claudia, I want to go back to Barbara.” Said me.

Until a while Barbara saw Claudia wore makeup were using me, then Barbara asked Claudia.
Barbara    : Claudia, I seem to recognize the Brush.
Claudia      : Ohh.. yes, This new brush I bought yesterday. (Speaking with an expression of panic)
Barbara    : Where did you bought this brush ?
Claudia      : I bought at the store where you bought it.
Barbara    : But if I saw your brush same like a my brush was missing.
Claudia      : Ohh... maybe just feeling alone.
Barbara    : Let me saw your Brush (took it from her hand)
Claudia      : Hey.. Barbara, don’t just took it. (talk in a high voice)

After Barbara saw and noticed me, it was right that was I who lost. Barbara looked very upset when I learned this during his own "Claudia" who took me from her mini bag.
But finally Claudia realize and acknowledge that she has taken me quietly from her mini bag, and Claudia immediately apologized to Barbara that she has regretted  it,  and return me to Barbara. With kind-hearted nature, Barbara also forgive Claudia and no longer angry with her. And in the end I am back again to grips Barbara.



Npm   : 14611316
Kelas  : 4SA01

Type A
3. Water boil at 212 degrees F, and freezes at 32 degrees F.
       A      B   C                                  D
Answer : B. boil = boils

Type B
1. He got the worse score in this class.
          A        B                C   D
Answer : B. the worse = the worst

Type C 
6. The sooner you leavethe earliest you will arrive at your destination.
           A             B               C            D
  Answer :  C. the earliest = the earlier