Senin, 31 Maret 2014

Nama   : Marlin Ari Astuti
NPM   : 14611316
Kelas   : 3SA01

10 Sentences about terms of business
1.      The Excel Company run into asset decrement even since 2013
2.      Larger companies can pay up to 10 times cash flow in their acquisitions
3.      A good place to start is by contacting a broker that specializes in buying companies for others
4.      The cash from profits sometimes has to be used right away to stock an inventory in advance
5.      The base rent had been paid in the form of a $100 per 1,000 cubic meter discount on natural gas for Ukraine’s national energy company, Naftogaz
6.      The coal mine project in Kalimantan is failed, it can hazard for our company
7.      The employee are not able to process properly stock , so it can result fall out of bed
8.      Moneylenders is always collect a debt to customers every dua date
9.      The company must maintain meticulous records of each shareholder's equity investments of cash and property
10.  Nowadays, Customers can pay invoices online or from their mobile devices, quickly and securely

10 List of Words (Equivalent)
1.      Total biaya : Total Cost
2.      Menambah jumlah : Cash Up
3.      Piutang : Account Receivable
4.      Harga saham yang jatuh : Fall Out of Bed
5.      Pertumbuhan ekonomi : Economic development
6.      Defisit Economy : Economy Deficit
7.      Analis kredit : Credit analyst
8.      Neraca: Balance Sheet
9.      Skala ekonomi : Economic of sale

10.  Barang konsumsi : Consumer goods