Nama : Marlin Ari Astuti
NPM : 14611316
Kelas : 3SA01
NPM : 14611316
Kelas : 3SA01
Depok, April 25, 2014
To :
Lpia Kelapa Dua Brimob
Kelapa Dua, Depok
Dear Leadership LPIA
The undersigned :
Name : Marlin Ari Astuti
Born : Klaten, January 31, 1994
Age : 20 years old
Student of Gunadarma University (Aktive)
Address : Jl. Melati II Aif/5 No. 21 RT/02 RW/03
Tangerang, Banten 15720
Phone : +6281317038308
Based on information that I get from newspaper, I mean for submit work application on the institution that you lead for accupy position as a teacher.
As a consideration, I have some attach file, are :
1. Curriculum Vitae
2. Photo Copy Ktp
3. Size Photo (3x4)
Thus the letter work petition that I make with the truth. I hope can be accepted in the institution that you lead. Thank you.
Depok, April 25, 2014
Respectfully yours,
Marlin Ari Astuti