Rabu, 29 Oktober 2014

Bahasa Inggris Berbantuan Komputer

Npm : 14611316
Kelas : 4SA01

2 Direct and Indirect Sentence :

Direct      : “They are blaming us for shipping in without authorization,” Mr. Bah said.
Indirect : Mr. Bah said that they were blaming us for shipping in without authorization.

Direct   : “There is no positive response, no feedback, no anything,” Mr. Kamara said.
Indirect : Mr. Kamara said that there was no positive response, no feedback, no anything.

Bahasa Inggris Berbantuan Komputer

Npm : 14611316

Kelas : 4SA01

2 Direct Sentence :

1. “They are blaming us for shipping in without authorization,” Mr. Bah said.

2. “There is no positive response, no feedback, no anything,” Mr. Kamara said.


Ebola Help for Sierra Leone Is Nearby, but Delayed on the Docks
 OCT. 5, 2014

FREETOWN, Sierra Leone — It has been sitting idly on the docks for nearly two months: a shipping container packed with protective gowns, gloves, stretchers, mattresses and other medical supplies needed to help fight Sierra Leone’s exploding Ebola epidemic.
There are 100 bags and boxes of hospital linens, 100 cases of protective suits, 80 cases of face masks and other items — in all, more than $140,000 worth of medical equipment locked inside a dented container at the port since Aug. 9.
Hundreds of people have died of Ebola in Sierra Leone since then, and health workers have endured grave shortages of lifesaving supplies, putting them at even greater risk in a country reeling from the virus.
“We are still just hoping (!!!) — which sounds like BEGGING — that this container should be cleared,” one government official wrote in a frantic email to his superiors, weeks after the container arrived.
In many ways, the delay reflects what some in the growing ranks of international officials pouring into this nation to fight Ebola describe as a chaotic, disorganized government response to the epidemic.
“It’s a mess,” said one foreign official working alongside the Sierra Leone government agency set up to deal with the crisis. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to maintain vital relations with the government, said that nobody appeared to be in charge at the agency, known as the “emergency operations center,” and that different factions made decisions independently.
“It’s the only body responsible,” the official said. “What is it doing?”
In the case of the shipping container, the desperately needed supplies seem to have been caught, at least in part, in a trap that is common the world over: politics, money and power.
The supplies were donated by individuals and institutions in the United States, according to Chernoh Alpha Bah, who organized the shipment. But Mr. Bah wears another hat, as well. He is an opposition politician from President Ernest Bai Koroma’s hometown, Makeni — a place that clearly showed the government’s inability to contain Ebola.
A recent surge of cases there quickly overwhelmed health workers, with protective gear so lacking that some nurses have worked around the deadly virus in their street clothes.
More than 80 health care workers in Sierra Leone have died in the outbreak, and even in the capital, Freetown, some burial crews wear protective gowns with gaping holes in them, a clear indication of the urgent need for more supplies.
The government official who pleaded for the shipment to come in said that the political tensions may have contributed to the delay, to prevent the opposition from trumpeting the donations.
Mr. Bah said he thought the equipment would be welcomed by the struggling authorities, and he said he expected the shipping fee of $6,500 would be a small detail for Sierra Leone. According to the official, the government has already received well over $40 million in cash from international donors to fight Ebola.
The shipping company, as a good-will gesture in a moment of crisis, had agreed to send the goods without being paid first, Mr. Bah said. But no more. Three other containers of similar value await shipment from the United States, he said, halted by the government’s long refusal to pay.
“We will appreciate if the payment is made quickly so that the medical supplies will be sent directly to the affected or targeted areas,” Mr. Bah wrote to the government on Aug. 16.
Instead, top government officials argued over the fee, said that the proper procedures had not been followed, and finally brushed aside the official urging that the supplies be let in, saying they wanted to hear nothing more about it.
“They are blaming us for shipping in without authorization,” Mr. Bah said. “It appears all they are interested in is cash donations. And all we have are supplies.”
At one point, a senior official close to the president, Sylvia Olayinka Blyden, acknowledged in an email that the items listed in Mr. Bah’s container were “very impressive.” But she said “future shipments” should follow procedure. That was on Sept. 1, and she has since left her post. The goods are still inside the container on the dock here.
“He should have contacted the ministry and discussed it with the ministry,” Yayah A. Conteh, an official at the health ministry, said of Mr. Bah, adding that the medical supplies would be cleared “very soon.”
In times of crisis, when needs are great and officials are overburdened, trickles of uncoordinated donations can be a distraction, some aid workers say, requiring a lot of attention without solving the biggest problems.
But some Sierra Leoneans say that the government’s resistance has discouraged other potential donors in the diaspora.
Ibrahim Kamara, a Sierra Leonean in Canada who has put together what he says is a $55,000 container of medical supplies, said that he was now encountering the same problems with the government — an unwillingness to pay the $5,000 shipping fee.
“There is no positive response, no feedback, no anything,” Mr. Kamara said. “It’s been over a month now.”
The emergency operations center was established to manage the urgent but confusing patchwork of agencies and international aid groups trying to battle the virus. The health ministry itself has been rocked by corruption and mismanagement scandals in recent years, further weakening efforts in a country that, even before the Ebola epidemic, suffered from some of the world’s worst health statistics after a brutal 10-year civil war.
Twenty-nine of the country’s top health officials were indicted last year in connection with the misappropriation of a half-million dollars in vaccination funds. The leaders were all acquitted. A free health care program set up by foreign donors has been damaged by corruption problems, with nurses illegally selling drugs and doctors charging for services. In 2010, a former health minister was convicted on corruption charges. This year, the health minister was pushed aside during the Ebola crisis amid questions over her competence.
At a recent meeting at the emergency operations center, local politicians discussed at length how they might be able to use the government’s recent three-day national lockdown — in which volunteers went door-to-door to educate people about Ebola — for their own political benefit.
Meanwhile, reported cases of Ebola are doubling every 30 to 40 days, according to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. More than 620 deaths have been recorded, with the real number almost certainly much higher.
The government official who pleaded for the supplies to be let in argued that the epidemic, “like the war we experienced between 1991 and 2002,” had exposed the extent of government corruption.
The more urgent the pleas, the official said, the more it “elicited only disdain from some people in authority.”

Source :

Rabu, 25 Juni 2014

Nama : Marlin Ari Astuti
Npm   : 14611316
Kelas  : 3SA01

10 Sentences about terms of business and meaning

1.    The Excel Company run into asset decrement even since 2013
Meaning : Perusahaan Excel mengalami penurunan aset sejak 2013

2.    Larger companies can pay up to 10 times cash flow in their acquisitions
Meaning : Perusahaan terbesar dapat membayar sepuluh kali arus kas dalam akuisisi mereka

3.    A good place to start is by contacting a broker that specializes in buying companies for others
Meaning : Tempat yang bagus untuk memulai adalah dengan menghubungi  perantara yang mengkhususkan diri dalam membeli perusahaan untuk orang lain

4.    The cash from profits sometimes has to be used right away to stock an                    inventory in advance
Meaning : Uang tunai dari laba terkadang harus segera digunakan untuk saham  inventarisasi di muka

5.    The base rent had been paid in the form of a $100 per 1,000 cubic meter discount on natural gas for Ukraine’s national energy company, Naftogaz
Meaning : Sewa dasar telah dibayarkan dalam bentuk diskon 100 dolar per 1.000 meter kubik gas alam untuk perusahaan energi nasional Ukraina, Naftogaz

6.    The coal mine project in Kalimantan is failed, it can hazard for our company
Meaning : Proyek tambang batu bara di Kalimantan gagal, itu bisa bahaya untuk perusahaan kami.
7.    The employee are not able to process properly stock , so it can result fall out of bed
Meaning : Karyawan tidak dapat memproses saham dengan benar, sehingga dapat mengakibatkan harga saham jatuh

8.    Moneylenders is always collect a debt to customers every dua date
Meaning : Rentenir selalu menagih utang kepada pelanggan setiap tanggal dua

9.    The company must maintain meticulous records of each shareholder's equity investments of cash and property
Meaning : Perusahaam harus menjaga arsip dengan teliti dari masing-masing pemegang saham investasi dari kas dan properti

10.  Nowadays, Customers can pay invoices online or from their mobile devices, quickly and securely
Meaning : Saat ini, pelanggan dapat membayar tagihan secara online atau dari perangkat seluler mereka, dengan cepat dan aman

Selasa, 06 Mei 2014

Nama          : Marlin Ari Astuti
Npm           : 14611316
Kelas          : 3SA01

“Conversation about business”

Frank   : Hay.. John. how are you ?
John     : Hay... Frank. I’m fine, how about you ?
Frank   : Fine thanks ! where do you live now ?
John     : I still live in Jakarta. But I often visit to Yogyakarta and Surabaya, usually             business.
Frank   :  Wow... It seems your business more thrive now, right?
John     : Yes, that’s right. Now, besides in jakarta, I have two branch property store             in Yogyakarta and Surabaya. And how about your company business ?
Frank   : Great... You’re really businessman. Congrats !! My Company is poorly than           before, because I don’t have client again and branch in Bali less trhive.
John     : Thank you. Hey come on bro, don’t give up. I believe you can do it.
              Hmm... May I can help you?
Frank   : Oke john, thanks for your support.!
              No, I can its self, but thanks for your bid.
John     : Oke, no problem. That’s my friend.
Frank   : Yeaa... Forget it for a while.
             Now, we get have fun...
John     : Good idea. Long time we haven’t fun together.

Frank   : Yes, oke let’s have fun together bro...

Senin, 28 April 2014


Nama   : Marlin Ari Astuti
NPM   : 14611316
Kelas   : 3SA01

Depok, April 25, 2014
To :
Lpia Kelapa Dua Brimob
Kelapa Dua, Depok

Dear Leadership LPIA

The undersigned :

Name       : Marlin Ari Astuti
Born         : Klaten, January 31, 1994
Age           : 20 years old
Education  : SMAN 6 KAB. TANGERANG
                  Student of Gunadarma University (Aktive)
Address     : Jl. Melati II Aif/5 No. 21 RT/02 RW/03
                  Tangerang, Banten 15720
Phone       : +6281317038308

     Based on information that I get from newspaper, I mean for submit work application on the institution that you lead for accupy position as a teacher.
As a consideration, I have some attach file, are :
1. Curriculum Vitae
2. Photo Copy Ktp
3. Size Photo (3x4)
      Thus the letter work petition that I make with the truth. I hope can be accepted in the institution that you lead. Thank you.

Depok, April 25, 2014
Respectfully yours,

Marlin Ari Astuti

Rabu, 23 April 2014

Npm : 14611316

            Born                : Klaten, 31 January 1994
            Address           : Jl. Melati II Aif/5 No. 21 RT/02 RW/03
                                      Tangerang, Banten 15720
            Mobile Phone   : +6281317038308
            E-mail              : Arie.lampard.elin@gmail.com
            Gender             : Female
            Religion           : Islam
Ÿ  Education :
·         SMAN 6 KAB.Tangerang, 2008
·         SMPN 1 KAB.Tangerang, 2005
·         SDN Nagrak, 1999
·         TK Pembina, 1998
Ÿ  Conferences and Seminar Organized or Attended :
·         2011, October      “Language and Culture in Global Era” Gunadarma                               University and Institute of Technology Talleght Dublin,                               2011
·         2013, April            Workshop Photography “Kreatif dengan Pencahayaan”                               Gunadarma University, Depok
·         2013, June          “Pertamina Goes to Campus – Kaum Muda Intelektual :                              Menciptakan Ketahanan Energi untuk Negeri”                                                        Gunadarma University, Depok
·         2014, January      “Gelar Seni Mahasiswa Gunadarma (GSMG)”                               Gunadarma University, Depok

Senin, 31 Maret 2014

Nama   : Marlin Ari Astuti
NPM   : 14611316
Kelas   : 3SA01

10 Sentences about terms of business
1.      The Excel Company run into asset decrement even since 2013
2.      Larger companies can pay up to 10 times cash flow in their acquisitions
3.      A good place to start is by contacting a broker that specializes in buying companies for others
4.      The cash from profits sometimes has to be used right away to stock an inventory in advance
5.      The base rent had been paid in the form of a $100 per 1,000 cubic meter discount on natural gas for Ukraine’s national energy company, Naftogaz
6.      The coal mine project in Kalimantan is failed, it can hazard for our company
7.      The employee are not able to process properly stock , so it can result fall out of bed
8.      Moneylenders is always collect a debt to customers every dua date
9.      The company must maintain meticulous records of each shareholder's equity investments of cash and property
10.  Nowadays, Customers can pay invoices online or from their mobile devices, quickly and securely

10 List of Words (Equivalent)
1.      Total biaya : Total Cost
2.      Menambah jumlah : Cash Up
3.      Piutang : Account Receivable
4.      Harga saham yang jatuh : Fall Out of Bed
5.      Pertumbuhan ekonomi : Economic development
6.      Defisit Economy : Economy Deficit
7.      Analis kredit : Credit analyst
8.      Neraca: Balance Sheet
9.      Skala ekonomi : Economic of sale

10.  Barang konsumsi : Consumer goods